將 pg_restore 與多個轉儲一起使用時管理外鍵 (Managing foreign keys when using pg_restore with multiple dumps)


將 pg_restore 與多個轉儲一起使用時管理外鍵 (Managing foreign keys when using pg_restore with multiple dumps)


我的想法是,每當我們運行遷移或決定本地開發人員需要一個新帳戶時,運行一個命令來轉儲數據庫。問題是數據庫轉儲約為 17MB。我試圖避免每次更新數據庫時都必須向 GitHub 添加一個 17MB 的文件。

所以我能想到的最佳解決方案是設置一個腳本來轉儲數據庫中的每個單獨的表. 這樣,如果單個表被更新,我們' d 只會將該備份推送到 GitHub,它會更多地沿著 ~200kb 文件而不是 17mb。



我' 如果我禁用/重新啟用約束,我還關心數據庫的關係完整性。任何幫助或建議將不勝感激。


pg_dump postgres://user:password@pg:5432/database ‑t table_name ‑Fc ‑Z9 ‑f /data/www/database/data/table_name.bak


$data_command = "pg_restore ‑‑disable‑triggers ‑d $dbUrl ‑Fc \"%s\"";
$backups = glob("$directory*.bak");
    foreach($backups as $data_file){
        if($data_file != 'data_roles.bak') {
            exec(sprintf($data_command, $data_file));



方法 1:

I would separate the table data and the database metadata.

Create a pre‑ and post‑data scfipt with

pg_dump ‑‑section=pre‑data ‑f pre.sql mydb
pg_dump ‑‑section=post‑data ‑f post.sql mydb

Then dump just the data for each table:

pg_dump ‑‑section=data ‑‑table=tab1 ‑f tab1.sql mydb

To restore the database, first restore pre.sql, then all the table data, then post.sql.

The pre‑ and post‑data will change often, but they are not large, so that shouldn't be a problem.

(by John BakerLaurenz Albe)


  1. Managing foreign keys when using pg_restore with multiple dumps (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#pg-dump #cloning #pg-restore #postgresql


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